Everyone knows that reading expands the horizons and readers clubs help to do this at an even greater level, with the in-depth discussions and assimilations of different viewpoints all contributing to increasing the knowledge and appreciation of the world around them..
Reader's Club at SRN helps the students to improve their reading skills, and raise awareness of a wider range of written materials. It also helps to extend the reading skills, as students are always tempted to try different types of books that they might not otherwise have chosen by themselves. Students become accustomed to the comfort of reading in a favorite genre and may not realize how much they might enjoy altogether different types of books until they are persuaded to try them by other members of the reading group.
Despite not having a formalized classroom structure, reading groups are a fantastic place to promote learning. Each new book allows the opportunity to "start afresh" and "do better" - whether it is with more participation, improved leadership of discussions, and more commitment to reading or simply better retention of the information.